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Al­so ready for Car­ni­val 2017, Pan Trin­ba­go Inc will be­gin the pre­lim­i­nar­ies of the Na­tion­al Panora­ma com­pe­ti­tion, for Sin­gle Pan steel­bands, on Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 11. One new in­no­va­tion for next year's Car­ni­val is that the Sin­gle Pan bands are be­ing judged in their re­spec­tive pa­n­yards. Small, Medi­um and Con­ven­tion­al steel or­ches­tras wile al­so be ad­ju­di­cat­ed in their pa­n­yards, in their re­spec­tive re­gions, on Feb­ru­ary 3-7, and their score sheets will be opened at a spe­cial me­dia con­fer­ence on March 8.

RGP will stage its ea­ger­ly await­ed Ladies Night Out � An All White Af­fair on Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 10 at Hasley Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Port-of-Spain. Some fab­u­lous women are signed for this event but one of its high­lights is the num­ber of So­ca Mon­archs on the cast, in­clud­ing 2016 cham­pi­on Voice, Bun­ji Gar­lin, Faye Ann Lyons, Iw­er, Olatun­ji and Farmer Nap­py. Al­so on the cast thus far are The Asy­lum Band, Ru­pee, Skin­ny Fab­u­lous, To­ba­go's Adana, Or­lan­do Oc­tave, Swap­pi, Er­phaan Alves, Ri­car­do Drue, Nicky Cros­by, Mr El­lis, Black­ie, Cassie and Salty.

The door prizes are oth­er at­trac­tions in the pack­age of­fered by RGP. For in­stance, the Best Dressed La­dy In White will re­ceived $50,000 while her run­ners-up will take home $15,000 and $10,000, re­spec­tive­ly. The male pa­trons have not been for­got­ten and the Best Dressed Man In White will win $10,000.

The fol­low­ing evening, Feb­ru­ary 11, the na­tion­al sta­di­um will again be the venue for an­oth­er RGP event–So­ca Con­nect, brand­ed as "the World's Biggest Youth So­ca Event.

An­oth­er RGP pro­duc­tion–Chut­ney Brass– is sched­uled for Guaracara Park, Pointe-a-Pierre, ac­claimed as '"he Uni­verse's Largest In­do Mu­sic Fes­ti­val", on Sat­ur­day Feb­ru­ary 18. As in its pre­vi­ous in­stall­ments, this show is ex­pect­ed to live up to its high stan­dards if on­ly be­cause of its star-stud­ded cast of artistes. On the bill are Ray­mond Ram­nar­ine & Dil-Nadan; Ravi B, Nisha B & Kar­ma; KI & The Band, fea­tur­ing Nishard and Neval; Anil Bheem & The BMERZ; Sal­ly Sagram & Ex­treme; Ricky Jai & The Jaimas­terz; Gay­a­tones; and D Ram­per­sad In­die Art. It promis­es to be a spe­cial night for Ram­nar­ine as he will be pre­sent­ed with the first Chut­ney Brass Life­time Achieve­ment Award.

On Car­ni­val Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 25, RGP will host Break­fast in South from mid­night, and rounds of its Car­ni­val 2017 pack­age with its Ca­lyp­so Cool-Down, a Mara­cas Bake & Shark In­clu­sive, at Na­pa, Port-of-Spain, on the evenings of March 4-5. The March 4 do be­gins at 8 pm and the fol­low­ing evening things get crack­ing at 5.30 pm. Head­lin­ers in­clude Re­la­tor and Ker­nal Roberts who will be do­ing a Road March trib­ute to his fa­ther, the late Lord Kitch­en­er.

When Car­ni­val is over, mat­ters re­lat­ing to our na­tion­al fes­ti­val do not end. At the mo­ment, the Cul­tur­al Stud­ies Sec­tion of the De­part­ment of Lit­er­ary, Cul­tur­al and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Stud­ies (UWI), St Au­gus­tine is re­quest­ing sub­mis­sions for pa­per pre­sen­ta­tions for a one-day sym­po­sium on the Trinidad Car­ni­val sched­uled to take place on Fri­day, March 17, 2017. The sym­po­sium seeks to pro­vide a plat­form for cross-dis­ci­pli­nary ex­am­i­na­tions of the myr­i­ad ways that the Car­ni­val shapes, and is shaped by, its en­vi­ron­ment. Mem­o­ry, Pol­i­tics and Per­for­mance in the Trinidad Car­ni­val Com­plex is the theme of the con­fer­ence.

RGP takes cen­tre stage af­ter Car­ni­val by pre­sent­ing the 2017 edi­tion of the Al­ter­na­tive In­ter­na­tion­al Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, pre­mier­ing on March 3 at Guaracara Park, Pointe-a-Pierre. It will be re­peat­ed on March 4 at the Na­tion­al Crick­et Cen­tre, Cou­va, and at En­chant­ed Gar­dens, New Grant on March 5. RGP will reprise the show the fol­low­ing week­end, on Fri­day, March 10 in To­ba­go; at Cen­tre of Ex­cel­lence, Ma­coya on March 11, and on March 12 at Cen­tre Pointe Mall, Ch­agua­nas.

Pan on the road this week­end

It is the week­end be­fore the long Christ­mas week­end and the na­tion­al in­stru­ment is in the spot­light. This evening, New­town Play­boys is hold­ing its an­nu­al Pan & Parang Fes­ti­val at its Pan The­atre, lo­cat­ed at 64 Tra­garete Road, New­town, at 7 pm. The show's star-stud­ded cast in­cludes Scrunter, Baron, Re­la­tor, Nin­ja, Iw­er, Pos­er, Mar­i­lyn Williams, Crazy, Mu­cho Tem­po, New­town Play­boys and more. Ad­mis­sion is free.

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